Relationships can be really tricky especially in the beginning when you’re trying to figure out what’s what. You know how you feel about your crush but you’re not sure if they feel the same way and want strong indications that they do before you invest any further.
He initiates interactions
When a guy likes you, he’ll look for opportunities to strike up conversations with you. He’ll want to be around you and hang out with you. So if he’s hardly making an effort to see you or speak to you, he’s not that into you.
He pays attention to you
He’ll be your biggest fan when he’s into you. He’ll laugh at your jokes, even when they are not funny, and remember your conversations in detail. He will notice when you do change something like your hair. He pays attentions to the small details.
Body language
He looks at you like you’re the best thing since ice-cream, maintains eye contact and leans in when talking to you. On the other hand he may seem a little flustered or nervous around you as well if he likes you. So just pay attention to his body language it might help you figure him out.
He tries to impress you
When a guy likes you, he wants to show you his best which may include doing a few things to impress you. As long as it’s not anything childish or domineering, we’ll allow it.
He tells you about himself
A guy that likes you will want you to get to know him better. He’ll be open to sharing about his life whether it’s work or his favorite food, he’ll want you to know. If he is honest about his flaws and weaknesses, he is definitely into you. He will also want to know more about you.