Dear Zeda,
I have a nice job and I enjoy the finer things in life but lately I have been struggling. Things are getting more expensive and I have had to cut back on some expenses. My friends make more money than me and some are from wealthy parents, so they are not struggling as much. It’s been hard to explain to them that I can’t go on random holidays and out as much coz I’m broke. I am worried they’ll pity me or cut me out of the circle. I am in my mid-twenties and I don’t want to be a social outcast. What do I do? – B.W.
Dear B.W.,
Sounds like you what you need is some serious financial planning. You said you have a nice job but you’re struggling which can only mean that you’re spending more than you should be on the finer things in life. You don’t need to explain yourself when it comes to being fiscally responsible and real friends need to be able to understand when you simply can’t afford some things. Stop pressuring yourself to live a lifestyle you cannot afford. Your 20s should be a time of fun yes, but also the time to lay the foundation for your savings. Also, you can have fun without going to the most expensive places in town. Make your financial well-being a priority and you should be fine.
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