hiking silhouette

Going on hikes is an awesome travel plan that allows one to experience nature in its truest form. But did you know hiking comes with health benefits? The fatigue you feel after a day out on the trails is good for you. That’s your body thanking you for the workout. Let’s look at hiking from a new perspective.

Controls Diabetes

Hiking lowers your blood sugar levels thus keeping diabetes at bay or controlling it for those who are patients. When your muscles are exercised, glucose is used up for energy.

Mood Booster

Taking in scenic views and fresh air while hiking lifts your mood. It takes your mind off your problems, helps you appreciate the grand scheme of things. If you’re suffering from depression consider hiking in addition to seeing a professional for treatment.

Full Body Workout

A good hike puts all your muscles to work: glutes, quads, hamstrings. Your arms aren’t left behind in cases where you go up a steep incline on all fours. It’s an instant cardio workout as your heart has to work harder going uphill. Carrying a backpack builds your upper body strength. Your core (torso) is also strengthened. How’s that for a full body workout?

Healthy Heart

Excess cholesterol builds up in your arteries, making them narrow. Blood flow to the heart is constricted resulting in atherosclerosis. Hiking lowers cholesterol levels thus keeping your heart healthy.

Maintain Weight

Hiking burns up to 370 calories an hour (for a person weighing 70 Kg). And the best part about it is, it’s fun if you keep the right attitude and have great company. It won’t feel like a chore at all.

For maximum health benefits, health experts recommend 150 minutes of moderate intensity hiking or brisk walking per week. You can break it down and slot that for lunchtime breaks. High intensity activities (such as hiking with a heavy bag) cut the time down to 75 minutes a week.


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