viazi karai serving

The potato is one of the most versatile foods out here. From hash browns, fries, crisps, pies, wedges, to simply having them mashed or baked, the preparation options are endless. Let’s have a look at a delicacy from the Kenyan coast- viazi karai (batter-coated, deep fried potatoes). This dish will spice up any meal and leave you craving more.


10 Irish potatoes
2 tsp shredded garlic
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup water
1 tbsp turmeric powder
A handful of coriander, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
Vegetable oil- enough for deep frying

Serves 5


  • Peel the potatoes and wash them.
  • Put them in a saucepan and boil for a few minutes.
  • Let them cool then cut into cubes.
  • To make the batter, mix the garlic, flour, salt, pepper and coriander. Add the water a little at a time until it forms a thick paste.
  • Heat the cooking oil until it begins to bubble.
  • Use a spatula to gently lower the potato cubes into the oil, a few at a time.
  • Fry until golden brown, remove from the saucepan and place into a cloth-lined bowl.
  • Serve while hot. Enjoy!


  • Viazi karai go well with meaty dishes such as minced meat.
  • The pepper is optional if you’re not big on spices.
  • Make sure the oil is well heated before placing the potatoes, otherwise they’ll take long to cook and end up absorbing a lot of oil. No one wants soggy potatoes!


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