
You’ve gone for the interview(s) and passed. A letter of offer follows shortly after- you’ve got the job! You rejoice briefly then nervousness starts to set in. How will your first day be? Will your coworkers be friendly? Will the firm’s culture be too much for you to handle? Take a deep breath, relax, and consider these ideas to help you fit in at your new workplace.

First Day

This can be one of the most unsettling days for a new employee. Just aim to be friendly. Smile, maintain eye contact with everyone you meet, be polite with staff at all levels. This breaks the ice and portrays you as approachable.

Don’t shy away from asking questions. People are generally willing to help- after all, it’s your first day. Asking for clarification demonstrates your willingness to learn. Refusing help from coworkers cuts the image of a ‘know-it-all’.

Be open to the firm’s culture, which may be different from your last workplace. Don’t keep comparing loudly how things were done differently there. This may imply you have hangups about joining the current organisation.

Relating With Coworkers

Use lunch breaks to bind with fellow employees. If there are any team-building activities coming up soon, be part of them. Relaxed environments are amazing for creating strong bonds.

During discussions feel free to air your views but don’t take a hardline position. Topics such as religion and politics tend to be laced with emotion so be mindful of how you pass your points across.


Do your assigned tasks diligently. Once you’ve understood the flow of things, offer to volunteer to handle extra projects. Just ensure you are able to finish both the assigned task and extra work on time, or else you’ll come across as sloppy.

Figure out who is authorised to give you work. Some people are crafty and will pass off their work to others. You may end up working so hard only to realise you were handling someone else’s duties.


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