customer meeting

Apart from having a clear vision, niche in service or product provision and an appropriate location, customer relations are key to any business. You might have the most amazing products and everything working in your favour, but how you treat clients can make or break your business.

Value each customer as if they’re the only one. Whether they make a small or big purchase or are just browsing, treating them amicably and with respect encourages them to come back. Some business owners make the mistake of dismissing ‘small’ clients because they’re too focused on big bucks.

Listen to your clients. For startups, feedback is vital to growth and helping you determine how to attract more customers. Positive feedback is a confidence booster, but it’s not always rosy in the business world. Evaluate negative feedback as well, pick some pointers to help you improve. Even though the customer may have been angry while giving feedback, don’t take it personally. Let them know you appreciate it and are working on providing a better experience.

Engage. In this social media age, most businesses have online presence. However, these shouldn’t only be used to shove information to clients. Respond to questions asked and comments posted by customers. You could also ask what products/ services they would like in the future. This interaction makes the customer feel valued. It also earns you new clients- people go where they are listened to.

You’ve heard the saying ‘the customer is always right’. Well, not always. But they are still the customer and you have an obligation to give them the best experience possible. Sometimes you might have to meet them halfway even if you feel they are the ones on the wrong. Offer to replace a product they bought, give them a refund or a discount on the next purchase. Insisting on being right might cost you a client and many others- you know what they say about word of mouth.

The bottom line is to keep the client happy as much as you can. They are more likely to become repeat customers and will speak well of you, drawing more people to your business.



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