Healthy living is a major goal of most people. They incorporate exercising into their weekly regimen. Some fall off the bandwagon soon after beginning. Others keep on for years yet nothing seems to change. Exercise when done right is very profitable and even enjoyable. Here’s how to rap maximum profit from your workout.
As with all good things, staying consistent yields results. Going to the gym for two weeks then staying away for three is retrogressive. The body takes time to adjust to changes. To see results you need to keep at it so as to train not only the body but also the mind.
Have Clear Goals
Deciding to exercise just because it’s a popular New Year’s resolution isn’t a good idea. Have a strong ‘why’ before joining the fray. Also have clear objectives for example losing two kilos within a certain time. Leaving it open to just ‘losing weight’ can cause you to be disoriented because there are no specifics. Clear goals also build enthusiasm. You’ll look forward to your workout since there’s a definite aim you’re working towards.
Be Patient
Most good things take time to build. Quick fixes result in stuff that doesn’t last long. Expecting to see drastic changes in a short time is unrealistic. Focus instead on the benefits of exercising to your health. Find ways of making it fun rather than seeing it as something you have to do. When you enjoy your workout it keeps your mind away from checking every day for changes.
Track Your Progress
You’ll still need to review your progress, albeit not every day. Set specific timelines to compare your current results to previous ones, for example after every six weeks. This helps you gauge whether your workout regimen is working, what you need to change or maintain.
Focus on Yourself
Comparison is the thief of joy. Keep your eyes on your own fitness journey. It’s okay to have someone you look up to, but don’t copy-paste their situation. Everyone is different. Own your journey and celebrate every achievement.