When people talk about fitness, they usually refer to working out, more so in a gym. It then becomes this colossal task that requires a lot of strenuous effort. A nasty chore, an uphill task. For those with very busy days, going to a gym is nearly impossible. So how do you keep fit if you’re in such situations? Housework! Yes, those tasks around the house can be workouts.
Believe it or not, vacuuming can give the same benefits as hiking or a rowing machine at the gym. For best results, deliberately stretch your arms and legs when cleaning those hard to reach corners. Make it fun by playing your favourite music and cleaning to the beat.
Hedge Trimming
It’s tempting to use a powered hedge trimming machine due to its convenience. But using shears builds muscle in your arms. The repetitive action of moving the handles tones your upper arms. You can burn up to 200 calories an hour!
This is great example of energy-intensive housework, especially if you’re washing by hand. The arm muscles are worked out to a large extent. If using a washing machine, you still get workout benefits by when lifting heavy laundry baskets and lifting your arms to hang clothes on the lines. If your laundry room is in the basement, going up and down the stairs works on your glutes and leg muscles.
Mopping & Sweeping
These activities work on a variety of muscles. When cleaning hard to reach areas, flex your abs and squat as opposed to bending. We tend to use one arm more than the other when mopping. This could strain the overworked side. Keep switching to ensure you spread the workout evenly. Mopping burns around 190 calories an hour- who said you need a gym?
You’ve never thought tending to your garden as exercise, right? Actually the benefits are similar to those from light walking and stretching. It helps to exercise major muscle groups and can burn up to 400 calories an hour. So grab that shovel and turn the compost. Rake those leaves in your yard with enthusiasm- your body will thank you for it.