What comes to mind when you hear the name ‘Congo’? Probably a country ravished by decades of war since World War II. Having so many valuable natural resources but chained by instability. There’s one lady who’s changing that narrative, one art piece at a time. Her name is Mapendo Sumuni.
This amazing African woman opened the very first art gallery in Goma, Eastern Congo. The gallery is called Kivu Nuru and showcases work by sculptors, painters, tailors, potters and various other trained artists. Through this art house, Ms. Sumuni works to showcase the extraordinary work of Congolese artists, promote their work and find them outlets to help them express their individual beauty freely.
As with all artists, the pieces on display demonstrates the creators’ desire and determination to create in a challenging environment. It’s a symbol of hope in the midst of adversity. Art provides a means of empowerment and can be used as a form of resistance.
Ms. Sumuni is also the pioneer of the annual Goma Fashion Show, which has been running since 2014. This event has received a lot of acclamation from attendees, since it brings something fresh on the scene. Local designers get greater visibility for their brands and products. It’s also an encouragement that war isn’t all there is to Congo.
Well done Ms. Sumuni, and cheers to all women in art!
To know more about these incredible initiatives, simply visit https://kivunuru.com.