Too Early for Birds is an experimental theatre production built on the premise that African stories should be told by Africans, the African way. In telling our stories we aim to build our own modern-day legends.
History has ben written most times with a total disregard for the vast contributions of women. From this realisation, the third independent volume of Too Early For Birds this July will be an in-depth celebration and homage to the women in history with an aim to uninvisible and unmask them.
“We want to unmask the women whose victories have been hidden from us. We want us to see them in all their complexity and humanity. We want us and every woman who comes after us to know the magnificent shoulders that hold us up, to be able to breathe in their fury when we need to, to wrap their skin around us for courage and to invoke their fire to burn through us.”
Aleya Kassam, Anne Moraa and Laura Ekumbo are three brazen women who, in awe of the women who came before them, will walk us through the portals of bygone eras to reveal the valiant efforts, successes and failures by and of women.
Working with a cast and crew of women, they are telling the stories the way women tell stories. Featured stories in this edition will include that of Zarina Patel, Field Marshall Muthoni, among others.
The Too Early for Birds Brazen Edition cast includes, Sitawa Namwalie, Suki Wanza, Nyokabi Macharia & Mercy Mbithe; under the direction of Wanjiku Mwawuganga – who has directed all previous editions.
Show Line-up:
Friday 27th July 2018: 7pm – 9pm
Saturday 28th July 2018: 2pm – 4pm & 7pm – 9pm
Sunday 29th July 2018: 2pm – 4pm & 7pm – 9pm
Venue: Kenya National Theatre
Tickets: Advance Tickets available at Ksh. 1,000 Payment via: MPESA Buy Goods Till Number 734196 Ticketing Hotline: 0706 299 032
Zosi Kadzitu | 0723 237 869
Miriam Kadzitu | 0702 412 961