If you suffer from skin conditions such as psoriasis, you might have tried various treatments without (lasting) success. Or you’re just tired of pharmaceutical drugs and are looking for natural- based remedies. Well, here are some you could look into.
Tamanu Nut Oil
This oil extracted from an evergreen tree is used in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, acne, shingles, and even simple scrapes and cuts. It reduces inflammation, has antibacterial properties alleviates pain, and repairs the skin by encouraging the growth of new cells. However if you have a nut allergy, stay away from this oil.
Borage seed oil
Borage seed oil has been shown to provide relief from symptoms of conditions such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema by reducing both inflammation and redness. It can be taken internally in capsule form or used topically. Topical application has anti-inflammatory effects, moisturizes the skin, and strengthens the skin barrier. Its ability to lock in moisture helps stop itching.
Chamomile helps alleviate pain from hemorrhoids and has powerful anti-itching properties. It’s a common option in the treatment of eczema, although needs to be introduced slowly as it can trigger allergies. It’s also excellent for relieving skin infections, soothing bug bites, healing wounds and rashes.
Chamomile is available in cream and ointment form. Alternatively, brew a very strong mug of chamomile tea, pour onto a washcloth and use as a compress on affected areas of the skin. Apart from healing the skin, a mug of this tea drank before bed helps you have a good night’s sleep. If you’re allergic to ragweed, chamomile isn’t for you since they’re in the same family.
Aloe Vera
Some studies have shown aloe vera to be efficient in treating psoriasis due to its soothing effect on the skin. It’s also a great topical pain reliever.
Sea buckthorn oil
This deep-orange oil comes from the berry of the sea buckthorn plant. It helps in the healing of chronic conditions like rosacea, eczema and psoriasis. In addition it relieves sunburns and radiation burns for cancer patients.
For best results, dilute the pure oil with a carrier oil such as jojoba, avocado or almond and use topically.