
Some people seem to be effortlessly confident. Nothing seems to faze them in life. Wouldn’t you want to be one of them? Good news is, you can. Self-confidence isn’t entirely innate. You can learn it.


If confidence doesn’t come naturally to you, then you’ll have to practice. Start by paying attention to your body posture. Straighten your back, roll back your shoulders, walk with your chin up, make your handshakes firm. When talking to people, make direct eye contact. These portray confidence. Do it even if you don’t feel confident- the more you practice the more automatic it becomes.

Dressing/ Grooming

Yes, dressing has an effect on your self-confidence. Wear clothes that flatter your body type and skin tone. The same goes for accessories, makeup and hairdos. Not only will you feel good, but also how you perceive yourself will rub off on others.


In today’s world many people tend to be self-absorbed. As such you can’t always count on compliments from others. This is where positive affirmations come in. Say them out loud to yourself. Examples include- my outfit looks great today, I’m going to ace that presentation, I did a great job, I am beautiful, I am unique, etc.

Go a step further and write them on sticky notes. Place these notes where you’ll easily see them: beside your mirror, on the fridge door, your car’s dashboard. Visual reminders help you internalize these messages.

Learn From Mistakes

Mistakes are part of the learning process. They help us to know what doesn’t work. A mistake means you’re making progress since you’ve tried something. It doesn’t mean you are a failure. Look at mistakes objectively and outline lessons you’ve learnt from them. Use the lessons to do better next time.

Associate with Confident People

The people we relate with the most influence us even without us realizing it. Spend more time with those whose self-confidence is more than yours and within no time you’ll start to feel and act more assuredly.


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