
Acquiring a pet is one way to enrich your child’s social experience, since they have to learn how to befriend and care for the animal. Most interactions between pets and children are positive, but sometimes things can turn sour. Here are some things to have in mind as you search for the ideal pet.

Baby animals are cute and this might influence you when choosing one. But consider the animal’s adult size as well. You don’t want a situation where the animal grows too big for your child to handle safely.

Does your child have any allergies? If so, will having pets in your home aggravate the allergies? Consult your doctor for advice on how to handle this.

Ensure the animal is healthy before bringing it home. To avoid nasty surprises, adopt pets from a trusted vet. Make sure the pets get regular vet appointments to keep them in good health. If the animal makes contact with others that you suspect have diseases, visit the vet. Better safe than sorry.

What kind of character does the animal have? Is it one that tends to get violent/ rough? You’d rather go for pets that are gentle in nature to avoid injuries to your child(ren).

For safety purposes, don’t leave your child alone with pets in the house. This is more so for children of toddler age and below. Don’t allow the animal to lick your child’s face to mitigate risk of infections.

Have a separate area in your home for your pet to sleep- don’t let them sleep in your child’s room or bed.

When it comes to kids, teach them to be gentle with the animal. Pets are more intelligent than we give them credit for, and they retaliate when they’re treated badly. Involve your child in caring for pets. Assign them simple tasks like fetching drinking water. This not only helps in bonding with the animals but also builds a sense of responsibility in the child.



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