
Honey is one of nature’s most amazing foods. It has a myriad of uses from medicinal, culinary to beauty. What’s more, pure natural honey doesn’t expire. Here are some reasons why you should start using this liquid gold today.


Honey being a humectant is an excellent moisturizer since it draws moisture from the atmosphere. As such it is a popular component of DIY face masks and hair deep conditioners. You can use honey on its own for both hair and skin, or combine it with oils/ fruits for added benefits.

Nutritional Value

1 tablespoon of sugar contains about 64 calories and 17 g of sugar (sucrose, glucose, maltose & fructose). This makes it a healthy alternative to processed sugar for sweetening drinks and baking. Natural honey with no additives is best since it provides healthy calories. It also has no protein, fibre or fats.

Lowers LDL Cholesterol

LDL is the type of cholesterol responsible for heart ailments and strokes. Studies show that regular consumption of honey over time reduces LDL levels, leading to better heart health.

Heals Burns & Wounds

This is something that has been done since ancient times in the Egyptian empire. Applied as a topical treatment, honey aids in healing wounds and partial- thickness burns. This is due to its antibacterial and ant-inflammatory properties.

Antioxidant Properties

Antioxidants are compounds that reduce the risks of strokes, some types of cancers and heart attacks. Natural, high-quality honey contains antioxidants such as phenolic compounds and organic acids which promote good health.

Memory Booster

The antioxidants present in this liquid gold may prevent brain cellular damage that causes memory loss. Honey also helps the brain better absorb calcium. This mineral is responsible for making decisions and processing thoughts.

Alleviating Coughs in Children

Studies show that honey is an effective treatment in suppressing coughs in children with upper respiratory infections. However, it’s not to be used on children under 1 year as it exposes them to the risk of botulism.

Better Sleep

Consuming honey releases serotonin in the brain. This neurotransmitter is converted by the body into melatonin- a chemical compound that regulates quality and length of sleep.


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