
A lot has changed in regards to children’s entertainment in recent years. With the advent of technology, a good number of kids in urban areas spend a large chunk of their free time glued to devices. Even two year olds know how to navigate tablets with ease. However, too much screen time isn’t good for their (physical & mental) health and robs them of chances to appreciate the outdoors.

How can you encourage and help your child(ren) appreciate outdoor activities?

Do It Yourself

Children learn by observing their parents more than listening to what they say. If you want to get your kid interested in spending time outside, lead by example. When you’re at home with them, spend a few minutes each day outside- basking, taking a walk, dribbling a ball, smelling flowers. It doesn’t have to be anything grand. The beauty of life lies in the simple things. Take your child and involve them in these activities.

Make It Fun

Use the time spent outdoors to teach your child in a fun way. Help them to be observant of their surroundings by pointing out the colours, textures & shapes they see, sounds they hear, smells they notice. Not only will you both have fun, but also increase knowledge in an interesting way. Before you know it, your child will be begging you to take them outside more often!

Bring In The Birds

If the kids are too young to take them on nature walks, why not start with attracting birds to your yard/ garden? Set up a birdhouse and/ or a bird bath. Put out seeds, overripe fruits and clean water. It might take time before birds visit, but if you do this frequently they’re more likely to come. Plant flowers with fragrant nectar to attract more of them. When the birds appear, call your child and observe them together. This is a great way to introduce children to bird watching.


As the child grows older, take them on hikes & nature walks. Choose trails that they can navigate with ease. Hikes help with learning about nature, bonding between participants, are a good form of exercise and maintain good mental health.


This you can do from home and it’s free! Go outdoors with the kids, explain to them about the galaxies, help them spot constellations. This also supplements what they learn in school about the universe.


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