Gas cylinder cookers offer efficiency and convenience, but they can be very dangerous. To maintain safety in the household, here are some gas cylinder safety tips.

  1. Always keep and transport your gas cylinder in the upright position
  2. Ensure that the burner of the cooker is at a higher level than the top of the cylinder.
  3. If your cyclinder is located indoors, ensure it’s in a well ventilated room
  4. After you finish cooking, turn off both your cooker burner and gas cylinder regulated
  5. Never ever use a naked flame to check for a gas leak.

In case of a gas leak do the following.

    • You will detect a leak because of the string and pungent smell of LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas)
    • Put off all naked flames such as those from matches or cooker burners.
    • Turn off the regulator and remove the cyclinder form the valve.
    • Do not switch on or off any electrical appliances, switches or phones as this might ignite a spark from the leaking LPG which will cause a fire.
    • Open all doors and windows to aerate the room.
    • Remove the cyclinder from the room and take it outdoors to an open space if it’s safe to do so.

Leave the house, alert your neighbours and only return when it has been confirmed that it is safe to do so.

How to identify a genuine gas cyclinder

  • For most companies, the valve of the cylinder is covered with a genuine company seal which has an aluminium top with a unique serial number.
  • Check that the cylinder is within the validation period. The date of last verification is stamped on the collar. It should not be more than 8 years from your date of purchase.
  • Make sure the gas cylinder is weighed in your presence and that the weight corresponds with the one displayed on the cylinder.

When transporting your gas cylinder

  • Do not leave the cylinder in an enclosed vehicle under direct sunlight
  • Transport it in an upright position
  • Keep it in a cool place and away from flames
  • Avoid transporting the cylinder in the passenger compartment. Keep it in the boot.


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