The right to protest is enshrined in the Kenyan constitution in Article 37: Every person has the right, peaceably and unarmed, to assemble, to demonstrate, to picket, and to present petitions to public authorities. Kenyans have the right to exercise their right to protest and have chosen to do so.
Haki ya maandamano imeainishwa katika Katiba ya Kenya katika kifungu cha 37: Kila mtu ana haki, kwa amani na bila silaha, kukusanyika, kuandamana, kuandamana, na kuwasilisha ombi kwa mamlaka za umma. Wakenya wana haki ya kutumia haki yao ya maandamano na wamechagua kufanya hivyo.
Here are some tips to navigate the #RejectFinanceBill2024 protests while prioritising your safety.
Hapa kuna vidokeo vya kushiriki katika maandamano za #RejectFinanceBill2024 huku ukipa kipaumbele usalama wako.
Before You Go (Kabla Hujaenda)
Stay Informed (Jijulishe)
There’s tons of information around the protest so make sure you keep up with it. There’s information on protest days, protest rules, protest objectives, protest dress code and protest hashtags. Knowing this will help you plan yourself better.
Kuna habari nyingi kuhusu maandamano kwa hivyo hakikisha unasasishwa nazo. Kuna habari kuhusu siku za maandamano, sheria za maandamano, malengo ya maandamano, jinsi ya kuvaa kwa maandamano na vitambulisho vya maandamano mtandaoni. Kujua haya kutakusaidia kupanga vizuri.
Practice Self Care (Jijali Afya Yako)
In the lead up to the protests, especially the day before, hydrate, eat well and get enough sleep. Protests require a lot of stamina and can take a toll on the body and mind so prepare well enough.
Kabla ya maandamano, haswa siku moja kabla, kunywa maji mengi, kula vizuri na kupata usingizi wa kutosha. Maandamano yanahitaji stamina nyingi na yanaweza kuathiri mwili na akili kwa hivyo jitayarishe vyema.
Dress Strategically (Chagua Nguo Stahiki)
Wear comfortable, closed-toed shoes suitable for walking or even running if necessary. If you can, dress in layers that you can easily add or remove in case of weather changes or if you get hit by teargas or water canon. Generally opt for clothes that you wouldn’t mind getting dirty or caught in unexpected situations.
Vaa viatu vizuri, vilivyofungwa mbele vinavyofaa kwa kutembea au hata kukimbia ikiwa ni lazima. Ikiwezekana, vaa nguo za tabaka ambazo unaweza kuongeza au kuondoa kwa urahisi ikiwa hali ya hewa itabadilika au ukipigwa na gesi ya machozi au maji ya bunduki. Kwa ujumla chagua nguo ambazo husingeroi kuchafua au kukamatwa katika hali zisizotarajiwa.
Pack Smart (Beba Vitu Muhimu)
Bring a bag with essentials like water, snacks, wipes, tissues, loose change, any medications you need and power bank.
Beba mkoba wenye vitu muhimu kama vile maji, vitafunwa, taulo za mvua, tishu, pesa ndogo ndogo, dawa zozote unazohitaji na benki ya nguvu.
Protect Yourself (Jilinde)
A face mask can help filter dust or tear gas, and eye protection (goggles or sturdy glasses) is crucial to shield yourself from irritants or projectiles.
Barakoa ya uso inaweza kusaidia kuchuja vumbi au gesi ya machozi, na ulinzi wa macho (goggles au miwani imara) ni muhimu kujikinga na hasira au makombora.
At the Protest (Kwa Maandamano)
Buddy Up (Tafuta Mshirika)
Don’t go alone. If possible, attend with a friend or group you trust. Agree on a meeting point in case you get separated. Check online to see where people are congregating to avoid being alone and being a target of arrest or harassment.
Usiende peke yako. Ikiwezekana, shiriki na rafiki au kikundi unachoamini. Kubaliana juu ya mahali pa kukutana ikiwa mtatalagana. Angalia mtandaoni kuona watu wanakusanyika wapi ili kuepuka kuwa peke yako na kuwa shabaha ya kukamatwa au kunyanyaswa.
Stay Alert (Kuwa Mwangalifu)
Be aware of your surroundings and the movements of the crowd. Avoid being alone and raise the alarm if you see anything suspicious.
Fahamu mazingira yako na mienendo ya umati. Epuka kuwa peke yako na piga kelele ikiwa utaona kitu chochote cha kushangaza.
Know Your Rights (Jua Haki Zako)
Familiarise yourself with your rights to assembly and free speech. Knowing these rights can help you avoid unnecessary interactions with the police.
Jizoeze na haki yako ya kukusanyika na uhuru wa usemi. Kujua haki hizi kunaweza kukusaidia kuepuka kuingiliana bila lazima na polisi.
Mind Your Tech (Tumia Simu kwa Makini)
Limit phone use to avoid distractions and conserve battery life. But do document what you can while being mindful of battery life. Avoid filming anyone directly without their permission.
Punguza utumiaji wa simu ili kuepuka kuvurugwa na kuhifadhi maisha ya betri. Lakini rekodi kile unachoweza huku ukizingatia maisha ya betri. Epuka kurekodi mtu yeyote moja kwa moja bila ruhusa yao.
In Case of Trouble Stay Calm (Ikiwa Kuna Shida Tulia)
If the situation becomes tense, try to stay calm and avoid escalating any conflicts.
Ikiwa hali itakuwa mbaya, jaribu kutulia na kuepuka kuzidisha migogoro yoyote.
Have an Exit Strategy (Panga Njia ya Kutokea)
Identify potential escape routes if the protest gets out of hand. If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, leave the area immediately.
Tambua njia zinazowezekana za kutoka ikiwa maandamano yatatokea ovyo. Ukijikuta katika hali hatari, toa eneo hilo mara moja.
Peaceful Assembly (Maandamano ya Amani)
This is a peaceful protest so remain peaceful. Avoid engaging in violence or property damage and report those who do.
Hii ni maandamano ya amani kwa hivyo kaa mpole. Epuka kujihusisha na vurugu au uharibifu wa mali na uripoti wale wanaofanya hivyo.
Practice Aftercare (Jijali Baada ya Maandamano)
After the protests, make sure to rest and decompress. Also make sure to check up on all your people that went for the protest. Self-care and community care are a huge part of maintaining protests for the long-term.
Baada ya maandamano, hakikisha unapumzika na kupunguza mawazo. Ni muhimu pia kuwasiliana na watu wote uliokwenda nao kuandamana. Kujitunza na kuwatunza wenzako ni sehemu muhimu ya kuendeleza maandamano kwa muda mrefu.

By following these tips, you can participate in the protests while minimising risks and ensuring your voice is heard. Remember, safety first. Viva Kenya!
Kwa kufuata vidokeo hivi, unaweza kushiriki katika maandamano huku ukipunguza hatari na kuhakikisha sauti yako inasikika. Kumbuka, usalama mbele. Viva Kenya!