
Spice Of The Month: Saffron

Saffron (also known as kesar, kumkumappu, jaffaran or zaeafran) is a spice produced from the flower of a perennial plant. The stigmas are painstakingly handpicked, cut and then...

All About Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a condition that causes someone to become obsessed with their real or perceived flaws. They focus on what they hate about their bodies...

The Wonders Of Honey

Honey is one of nature’s most amazing foods. It has a myriad of uses from medicinal, culinary to beauty. What’s more, pure natural honey doesn’t expire. Here...
Emotional Health

How Your Emotional Health Affects The Physical

Emotional health is a big component of mental health. However it's more than just being in good or bad moods. Various factors affect emotional well-being, such as...

Before You Pick That Contraceptive, Read This.

Birth control/ contraceptive methods is something that's still not freely talked about despite the cultural advances worldwide. The burden is left to women to take care of things...

Dancing For Better Mental Health

There are numerous ways to stay fit apart from going to the gym. Dance is one of them. It offers full body benefits and what's more, keeps your...
Good Health

Music For Good Health?

It's common knowledge that music affects human emotion. Beyond that, though, it has an effect on human health as well. Various musicologists and psychologists agree that music is...

Women’s Healthcare Must Be An Affordable Priority

Healthcare is expensive, and this is true, no matter what country you live in. The difference might be in who pays what, as in some countries the...

Caring For A Preterm Baby

Pregnancy is a time loaded with many challenges. It’s even harder when the baby is born preterm. The mom is nervous and rightly so, since her little...

Managing PMS Symptoms

Most women are familiar with the unpleasant physical state that comes before their monthly period. A general feeling of lethargy and irritability. This condition is known as...

How To Register for the Minet Teachers’ Medical Scheme

Healthcare is one of the most important services as a healthy body and mind is paramount for quality life. Unfortunately, this essential service is bogged down by...
Unborn Baby

How Depression Affects Your Unborn Baby

As we're becoming more open to discussing mental health issues, we're learning so much on the effects of depression. Most times though we don't look at it...