Doing These 3 Things Will Help You Lose Weight Quickly

There is no shortcut to the fit body you want – you absolutely need to watch what you eat and workout to achieve major results. There are...

Common Diet Myths

Losing weight and eating healthy are two issues that never fade away. This is because so many people want to achieve these goals- but using quick fixes....

Health Benefits Of Moringa

Moringa (scientific name Moringa oleifera) is a small tree from India, Pakistan, and Nepal that has been used to treat a range of diseases in Eastern countries, ranging...
workout injuries

Workout Injuries & How To Avoid Them

Keeping healthy is a major goal for most people. They take up exercise to achieve this goal. However, working out too hard can cause injuries which can...

Is City Living Ruining Your Health?

Living in a city seems inevitable in today's world. After all, that's where all the lucrative work/ business opportunities, 'happening' party scenes and the trappings of modern...
sleep/ woman

Snooze Your Way To Good Health

We've all had those days when deadlines are looming so we resort to using every minute to finish the task at hand. We take very few if...

Yoga For Good Health? Yes!

Most people view yoga as a means of relaxation and reducing stress. However, it has more benefits beyond this. Practising yoga promotes overall good health. As much...

Take Control of Your Health This Breast Cancer Awareness Month With These Tips

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The statistics are discouraging with about 27,000 women losing their lives every year in Kenya and the average age of patients...
weight measure

Healthy Weight Gain Tips

Asking for advice on how to gain weight seems absurd since everyone talks about weight loss. Some people may have lost weight after surgery, an illness or...
workout lady

Get The Most From Your Workout

Healthy living is a major goal of most people. They incorporate exercising into their weekly regimen. Some fall off the bandwagon soon after beginning. Others keep on...
hiking silhouette

Hiking: An Alternative To Workouts?

Going on hikes is an awesome travel plan that allows one to experience nature in its truest form. But did you know hiking comes with health benefits?...
Glaucoma eye

World Glaucoma Week 2018

Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world. It is caused by fluid building up in the front part of the eyes. This increases...